Saturday, 29 January 2011

The Same View

Every Arab Country has its own unique ruling System, and suppresses its people in different way, though we can see that, Arab people have common views to their country's Leaders.

From one country to the other, mass people in the streets calling on their Leader to resign or to depart and have temporary refuge somewhere in the World, until the New Governments start to call them back to face trials, like recently in Tunisia.

Those Arab Leaders who were riding on people's backs for decades, should pay back the price of what their hands and instruments of secret agents, the damage they done to education, health and progress of their country. Most of the Arab Countries are rich and beyond, and the Arab people are the poorest of the world, and by the UPRISING in these countries, may be the People will take back what they deserve and belongs to them.

It is clear, that, the Uprising peoples are in queue, six countries so far are on the boiling points, and that is out of fourteen, and the rest FEW in the QUEUE.This should have happened years ago, but it happened late, and not too late.

The Arab Peoples were drugged by the speeches and winding up the troubles to the Free Word writers and Journalists, and always bringing up the Palestinian Issue, and preparing to fight the Enemy, and what they have done, NOTHING, but TALKING, they get richer, and the people get poorer. When there is A WILL THERE IS A WAY, and STICH IN TIME SAVES NINE. When people decide to get what they want, they will get it despite those Leaders CRUELITY.

Play the clip below for latest on Egypt's protestors

Friday, 28 January 2011

One Target Cabinet

No doubt that, the way Mr Harriri communicated with by then, so called Opposition, was soft and put himself and 14 Mach Forces in a narrow path, when he committed to United Cabinet after Doha Meeting. He was genuine in his commitment, the respond by those Opposition was, long far from wanting just United Cabinet to use for their pre-planned to take over the Authority in Lebanon.

It is a good start that, those who support Independence, Sovereignty and Dignity, not to join this trapped Cabinet. Sure this coming Government is the one, to disconnect with The STL, and keep Huzbollah and outlaws guns untouched, and probably brings a hell of complications with the World Community.

Mr Makti will never be a Prime Minister to all Lebanese, may be only 40%, and the 10%, they joined recently under pressure and threat will change their mind and back to basis, when this threat and pressure put off. Mr Mikati is only there, to obey and not to dictate. Because they could not dictate on Harriri, they brought Mikati the weak side of the 14 Mach Forces and Sunni, if we talk about System in Lebanon.

May be the World will wait to see the content of the New Cabinet declaration, to respond to it, but this is a silly idea, because how many times Huzbollah and 8 March Forces committed to agreements and denied them at the first opportunity, when they could not get to their targets.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Mission Impossible

Now that, Hozbollah had the imported Majority, by threats of sweeping on the Authority if, Harriri does not give up to their demands. Mr Mikati is a respectful Personality, and the Man for CRISIS as it happened and was successful before in the General Election, when he acted as Prime Minister for Ninety days. It would be perfect, if it was not introduced in a way, that Hozbollah forced it on the Sunni Faction.

Mr Mikaty, said, that Hozbullah asked him, to protect the Resistance, and nothing else. If we accept that, is he going to protect, the Resistance from the STL, which would name Hozbollah Members of Harriri Assassination. But Hobullah, practically is the Resistance as every one knows, and as Hozbollah declares. Is it by ignoring the STL, and cuts all the links to it by the Government, or will transport the issue to the National Dialogue Gathering, by the President.

What are the issues, that Harriri could not, accept to respond to Huzbollah and Mr Mikaty would do.

Harriri, was, saying that his Government, would not accept to accuse Hozbollah of the killing, and would protect the Resistance, but they were not convinced and made their move concealed by fake democratic way to bring down Harriri's Government. He also, done his best, to have the Syrian Lebanese ties to life, with his dramatic visits to Damascus, and Assad, mentioned many times that, Harriri is the right Prime Minister for this period of time. Then things changed and every thing came to upside down.

If, Mr Mikati would not cut off the ties with the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, as Hozbollah demands, the issue in the National Dialogue will not reach anywhere, because all the Parties in that Dailogue, and every Party sticks to its beliefs, and that's why, the Saoudi Syrian Initiatives failed.

The only thing possible, is that forming a Cabinet from 8 March Forces, to pass Hozbollah's terms and conditions, and 14 March Forces to be the Opposition to stop that Government to do so, and if they fail, all 14 March Forces Member of Parliament should go home, and block the Notion of Confidence to the proposed Government, and Mr Mikati is not the Mediator Prime Minister among the Parties in this Conflict. Might be he is the right one for Early General Election like before, and was successful.

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Mr Bheem

Article in Ashifaf

هل يستقيل نواب 14 آذار؟!

السبت 22 كانون الثاني (يناير) 2011

في موازاة التهديدات الإرهابية التي تبلغها رئيس الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي وليد جنبلاط- من تهديدات بالإغتيال إلى التهديد بغزوة طائفية للجبل- وأدت الى إنحيازه الكامل لقوى 8 آذار منقلبا على كل ما نادى به منذ العام 2005 حتى الثاني من آب من العام 2009، بدأت قوى الاكثرية النيابية في لبنان تعيد النظر في حساباتها النيابية وتدرس خياراتها لمواجهة الحالة الانقلابية التي بدأ حزب الله بتنفيذها بالشراكة مع العماد عون.

مصادر في الاغلبية أفصحت للمرة الاولى عن ان احد الخيارات التي يتم العمل على درسها بتأن وبسرعة، هو إستقالة نيابية جماعية للنواب الاستقلاليي،ن ما يعني بداهة إنتخابات نيابية مبكرة تكون عناوينها واضحة ومختصرة بمن يقف مع المحكمة ومن يقف ضدها؟!

وتضيف المصادر ان هذا الخيار يتيح للاكثرية العودة بشكل واضح الى المجلس النيابي من دون أثقال فرضتها التسويات التي أملت على سبيل المثال إخراج النواب السابقون مصطفى علوش وسمير فرنجية والياس عطالله وسواهم لصالح حسابات المصالحة السعودية السورية والتي أرخت بثقلها على الواقع الانتخابي اللبناني مسايرة لدمشق وحمل ودائع على لوائح قوى الرابع عشر من آذار سوف تثبت التجربة الحالية في الاستشارات النيابية أنهم لا يمتون الى روح ثورة الارز بصلة.

وعلى سبيل المثال تشير المصادر انه في طرابلس مثلا فإن تيار المستقبل يحوز ثقة 60 في المئة من الناخبين وهو قادر على إيصال نواب مستقبليين وآذاريين صرف من دون الاخذ في الاعتبار أي مسايرات من اي نوع، وتضيف، أن إنتخابات كسروان لو أحسنت إدارتها لكان بالامكان تحقيق خروقات نوعية في نتيجتها، وهذا ما أظهرته الانتخابات البلدية والاختيارية، وكذلك في المتن وزغرتا وحتى زحلة، كما تشمل إعادة النظر لمواقف الاغلبية موقفها من الممارسة الديمقراطية التي تسمح لها باستبعاد نبيه بري عن رئاسة المجلس النيابي بعد أن كشف عن وجهه ومستوره وعجزه عن الوقوف موقفا وسطيا إنسجاما مع مقتضيات موقفه كرئيس لمؤسسة عامة هي المجلس النيابي اللبناني بل هو يدمج مسؤولياته الاملية وفي فريق المعارضة ورئاسة المجلس النيابي ويوزع شهاداته في الممانعة والوطنية على اللبنانيين.

وتشير المصادر ان فريق الانقلاب أراد ممارسة ديمقراطية ويجاهر بأنه يتصرف من خلال المؤسسات والدستور والاغلبية بإمكانها ان تتصرف ايضا من خلال المؤسسات والدستور. وإنطلاقا من إعادة الحسابات الدقيقة التي يجريها فريق الاغلبية سوف يتم بناء مقتضى المضي في الاستقالة ام التغاضي عنها.

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تعليقات القرّاءعدد الردود: 1

هل يستقيل نواب 14 آذار؟!

19:4922 كانون الثاني (يناير) 2011 -

khaled —

It is the right decision, and should play the game right this time. They should resign when it hurts 8 March Forces best. Then we go to fresh election, by then, if Opposition has the Majority, they can take Lebanon to wherever they want, but if we win, the Government should be SOLELY Majority, not like Mr Harriri done to a fake united Cabinet, and we take Lebanon where we want, certainly to its best Interests. That is Constitutional as well.