Friday, 9 January 2009

Fire Works into North Israel

It is clear now, that no garantees not to drag Lebanon to Hostilities with Israel. Those who planted the rockets in South Lebanon two weeks ago, and send them into Israel this time of yesterday, were a trial was done by a Gang Group, that certainly known to Hezbollah, though Hezbollah Leaders claimed that they have nothing to do with those rockets, because they do not do something like that, and hide.

First time they accused Israel that planted those rockets, to show that it can break through the UN and Lebanese Army in the South, and Hezbollah Leaders have the ability to convince the Public this time, that Israel planted those rockets and fired them on itself too, to get Lebanon involved in this war, and Israel will revenge for its failure in July 2006 not finishing Hezbollah. Of course this conclusion is an illusion.

No one will believe that those rockets had been carried all the way from Palestinian camps out side the demoralized Area of south Allitani , to the deep side of south Lebanon and shot into Israel. Those rockets were locally stored for a time like this, and while Hezbollah has the best Intelligence System working in that area, certainly they know who was behind this action. Hezbollah who is claiming that, it wants a strong Lebanese State and it is represented in its Government, should inform the government before that happened, and not leave it in the dark as it was on the war of July 2006, but Hezbollah wants to see the reaction of this action by a group that concealled under its wings.

Egypt had direct negotiation with Israel, and got back all the occupied lands of that time by Israel, and Egypt never used any kind of Outlaws Groups to cause troubles to its Arab neighbours to put pressure on Israel during those negotiations, as it happens now, that the Regime in Syria using Palestinian Outlaws to cause troubles in South Lebanon and get engaged in war with Israel, just because Syria wants direct negotiations,and Israel is not rushing for it.

If the Palestinian Outlaws Groups are really concerned about what is happening to their Brothers in Gaza, they should help them in Gaza and not in South Lebanon, or they put pressure on Syria to have a word with the Ayatollahs country Iran to attack Israel with several 500 kilometers long rage missiles, would be more effective than the Kids Fire Works into North Israel from Lebanon. Or they take The Genarale Michael Aoun as Field Marshall to Gaza to run the war against Israel, may be the war ends in faster time.

Those who fired rockets from South Lebanon should be brought to Justice under the act of terrorism, intending to harm the Lebanese people, and the Goverment should tell the people openly the truth who was behind this action.

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Hamas!!!! Stop the Stupid Rockets....

Hamas should stop these stupid rockets, and take the Egyptian Initiatives Truce into account, that is the most logic stance Hamas Brain Washed Leaders should do now and right there. Those who are screaming and shouting, that Hamas is still strong and still sending rockets to Israel to prove that it is still fighting, and the Invasion did not change anything on the ground are Butchers of the Palestinian people. Every rocket Hamas sending into Israel takes five Palestinian civilians with it to slaughter by retaliation from Israel. Is that, what you call Victorious. No country in the world gives you, your rights out of the Enemy, if you are not united to stand for these rights in one Palestinian National Decision and one peaceful Palestinian Front.

Hamas should take the opportunity to go with the Truce Plans, that the Egyptian forwarded to the world, and it seems that it was considered by the West countries, who are supporting Israel and some good Arabs and Israel itself, this is the only way out to silence the guns and save the Gazans from slaughter. It is almost two weeks and no military help had come through from those encouraged Hamas to take this mess, and woke up the Israelis Slaughter Machines.

It is right sense that Hezbollah still out of this round of war against the Palestinians, though there was information, that the Syrian Devils Regime asked Hezbollah to take part in it. It is the first time that Hezbollah Leaders think and consider the Lebanese Interest as Priority, for certain reasons will come to the surface later on.

Sunday, 4 January 2009

Iran and Syria rushing in.

A couple of years ago, Iran vowed by its Hezbollah and supporters to defeat the USA in Lebanon, though USA has no army, tanks and rockets on the Lebanese Land, and they tried their best to cripple the country's Economy and Authorities to the minimum, for two and half years, and the Majority of Lebanese people reacted softly just to keep Lebanon in one piece.

Since the attacks started on the Gaza Strip, and Iran and its alliance kept blaming and winding the Arab world and Muslims against the most peaceful countries Egypt and Sauodia, and accused them of lining up with Israel to finish Hamas in Gaza, for the favour of Mahmoud Abbas. The first blow came from Hamas officials admitted that Egypt is doing its best to help the Gazan in the South. The second blow came from the West where they want a halt and permanent cease fire in Gaza. Both blows made Iran not comfortable in this situation, and Hamas is getting weaker every day specially, when the Ground Israeli Offensive started yesterday, and they know that Israel is getting to make sure that Hamas will never send rockets after this war into Israel, which defy the claims by Hamas that, will be stronger and the only Palestinian Representative to the peace process. This claim by Hamas is deepening the division between the Palestinians themselves.

The Arab efforts failed to put an end to this war, which the Iranians and Syrians gave chance to them, now they emerged in, to help Hamas out before its too late, and they are calling for top Arab Summit to take decisions to the levels of the devastating situation.

But Iran since this devastating situation started never mentioned that, they will defeat Israel in Gaza.
May be this Iran would engage to defeat enemies only when there are no army or tanks and rockets involved in the fight. They kept Lebanese people in misery for two and half years just to defeat USA in Lebanon.

Iran plans now, are that, the Arabs failed to stop the war on Gaza, and the world failed as well to put enough pressure on Israel, and we are here to help positively as we are the Mother of Hamas, and give the world a chance for limited time, and if Israel does not stop, we will cause a lot of troubles to this area, as the Syrian president mentioned recently to the New American Management, that we can help to make peace, and if not troubles as well.

The possibility is still high, that, Iran will play a role for a little while, and if the situation worsening in Gaza, it would make Hezbollah to engage in this war to ease pressure off Hamas, and drag Lebanon to the dirty mess, as July 2006, and could be worse.

It is very essential that, the Palestinian themselves, put an end to their problems and unite for the time being to stand up to their rights, and tell the whole world including the Arabs and the trouble maker Iran to put their hands off your Cause, and negotiate with your enemy according to your terms and beliefs.