Saturday, 6 December 2008

Quand le général Aoun rencontrait le Mossad à Paris
vendredi 5 décembre 2008
C’est le genre d’information que ses nouveaux amis syriens vont peu apprécier : le général libanais Michel Aoun, actuellement en visite à Damas, a rencontré à plusieurs reprises les représentants du Mossad israélien à Paris, pendant son exil en France, entre 1991 et 2005. Les services de renseignements français, qui surveillaient ses allées et venues, lui avaient déconseillé ce genre de rencontres avec les agents d’un pays, toujours en guerre avec le Liban. Mais le général chrétien refusa de se ranger à ces consignes de prudence. À cette époque, Michel Aoun était l’un des principaux opposants à la présence militaire syrienne au Liban. Depuis son retour à Beyrouth en 2005, il a changé d’avis pour se placer désormais dans le camp de ceux qui estiment - avec le Hezbollah - qu’il convient d’entretenir de bonnes relations avec Damas.
Le Figaro

The news in the French newspaper shows The Genarale Aon meeting the Israelis Mussad in paris.

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

It is certain that, this visit of the Genarale to the Syrian Regime, is not to be introduced to the professionals of exporting terror to Lebanon and to any other country that do not agree with its Mideast policy. The Genarale was called to Syria to discuss his future in the Lebanese general elections in May 2009. The Regime has to assess his situation that it might not be in any value within the Syrian policy in Lebanon for the following reasons:
1st- He cannot change any behaviours of the Regime towards Lebanon, because who planned the this policy are still the same professionals in the this Regime.
2- he was kicked out of Lebanon by the same professionals in this Regime, and caused the occupation of the Majority Christians areas of Lebanon.
3- He was brought back to Lebanon to play a role that he would replace those who deny the Syrians presence in the Majority Christians areas, he succeeded at the beginning ( That's why he is a member of Lebanese Parliament), because the Lebanese peoples who voted for him were deceived by his articles and meetings in the West winding up against the Syrians occupation of Lebanon, and should be punished for the devils Regime murderous and looting of the country,s resources and economy which caused a deficit of $32 billions, and the Regime should pay compensations to those who lost their lives and disappeared by the Mukhabarat, but we know that this Regime does not give, it always takes. and this visit is to take from him not to give anything.
4- Because of his unstable policy in the Lebanese politics and changes according to his mode or may be by his financial comfort, and also may be he always was a failer in military plans in the past and his unbelievable plans for the Lebanese people in the future, (The arms should be with every Lebanese to fight the enemy, to create a Nation of Resistance and Militia ), and that certainly to confirm the legality of Husbullah arms, so instead of Husbullah Holy Resistance, we will have Lebanon Holy Resistance.
5- In fact the Genarale is a small chess item on the Regimes table, his recent Masters Husbullah are stronger and they have branches in every nearby countries and they have missiles and stores of guns and rockets, and in a moment their leader Imad Meghnieh was gunned down in the middle of Mukhabarat territory in Damascus, and Husbullah could not make a comment that The Syrian Regime is behind this killing, though Husbullah is fully supported by Iran.
6- The Regime will try to find more effective individuals in the Christians area, and this may mend what the Genarale missed in last few years as a self promoted leader of the Christians in Lebanon.
Usually, good relations between two countries would be done after changes took place in one of them or the one who caused the troubles to the other, but in the Genarale case does not apply.

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

The Generale to Syria

Certainly, this visit of the Generale to Syria should not be of a surprise, that Mr Aon changed sides from the one of who used to boost that, he is the maestro of the law taken by the American Congress to put sanctions on the Syrian Regime, and the protector of Lebanese Soil and Independence of Lebanon of the occupied Syrian army for two periods of thirty years, (Syrian army withdrew from Lebanon under the Israelis Flag when Israel raided Lebanon 1982, and came back at last quarter of the seventies), to the pro Syrian in line with Husbullah and Amal and the trouble makers the right arm of the Syrian regime such as Palestinian outlaw factions and groups, and Lebanese factions that the Syrian Regime fed during the occupied period of Lebanon.
I wrote to our well know Journalist in Nahar newspaper, two years ago, when Aon returned to Lebanon, and described him as what I thought of him by that time, and it happened its clear now in the following paragraph...

Dear Mr Hamada
Now that you are the first to point out very essential details about Mr Aoun, in which we were waiting for. Mr Aoun was ousted by the Syrian fifteen years ago, they accused him of corruption and steeling the public money, then they brought him back to cause a problem to the Lebanese by supporting him against those are fighting to free the country from the evil Syrian regime, by either he would be the next president or Lahoud stays. He is the one who failed the Independence project of the Lebanese people, he is the one who is floating the drowned Syrian Regime supporters. He is a wolf in a sheep skin, he is the Horse of Troyed, the devils are using him to keep us down in the swumps of dictatorship and deny us our freedom. The Christians who brought him to power should not make the mistake twice in the next elections. khaled

Well now that we are at the threshold of general election, the Christian should not make the same mistake that was done in the near past. Aon can go anywhere he likes, because Lebanon is the Oldest Democratic country in History since the Phoenicians, and to make Aon not to represent us while he is visiting his masters, is the general election, when he would not be in the House of Commons (The People,s House), where is the Authority of People of Lebanon.

Sunday, 30 November 2008

Syrian Lebanese relations

The chain of Lebanese officials and so called National leaders visits to Syria, before the diplomatic relation takes place, is not appropriate, because it reminds us of the time the Syrians were in Lebanon (Still there), and they were calling them one by one to report to the Syrian Officials in Damascus, or in Anjer depends on the person position.
All what the regime in Damascus doing is to show the promised open relations to the west, that they still can run the lebanon from Syria.
The Syrians are still in Lebanon and stronger than ever, when the Syrian army was in the country, every one looks at it as occupied army, but now Hubullah is there, Amal is there, part of the Christians is there, lead by the all the times was Syrian alliance Michel Aon, and the spread militia of other parties, in the capital of Beirut. These pro-Syrian factions would cause the troubles in the country whenever the Syrian Regime wants to, they have done that on last august by attacking the peaceful Beirut residents by guns, and few days ago when one of their pro militia attacked the journalist Omar Harcose. They can stop the national election in Lebanon which we hope to take place in May 2009, by killing one of their allience to accuse the majority of the incident and keeps the Lebanese busy, and the Regime does not care if the victim is theirs or enemy once it helps the regime to achieve its goals and most of these goals by killing, and you never know they receive Mr Aon their enemy in the past and their pro in the present, and later they might kill him to show that they have nothing to do with the killing of Mr Hariri and the others who it happened that they are from the Lebanese Majority, and they will tell the world (That they are desparate to make good relations with like USA), they are trying to help the Lebanese, but they are not helping themselves, and this kind murder will split the Christians in Lebanon, and everything will stop there, the election will not take place, and the country goes back to the language of fighting, and then the Syrian Regime will take the chance to jump back to Lebanon.