Friday, 23 September 2011

Lebanon 2309, Celebrations, Champagne.. and NO Electricity..

All Victorious, when the  clouds of WAR DUST,  of the Electricity Project have CLEARED.
Those, that, came up with the PROJECT, Tayyar Watani Hur, declared Victory, and Champagne was the  Main Guest, for Celebrations. Those, opposed the Project, 14 March Forces and  Middle Blocs, declared Victory for the Lebanese in general, that, they could CONTROL the spending Plans, for this Project, and reduced the Power of the  Minister, and put it  under the  Cabinet’s Supervisions. The WAR is over and all Victorious, we are glad.

 This Project took the Political Parties three months, to make it come to LIGHT. Does it mean the Lebanese would have  this Project to be put in FORCE, soon, and we have the BRIGHT LIGHT, instead the 15 Hours DARK during 24 Hours a DAY. Now, all Parties declared VICTORY, and have their Champagne sparkling, we want to see the Electricity Cables Sparking with Power.

Sure the Lebanese people, would not believe a word these Politicians are saying, because of the disappointments, that, they received before for other PROJECTS, that, had been  planned and agreed for many years, and we are giving few examples of those PROJECTS.

 The projects for building DAMS on some Rivers, to create lakes that would supply, enough quantities of Water to use for Agriculture, that are Essentials for the FARMERS, on most the Lebanese Soil, where, thousands of Hectares of Lands, would be dried, as soon as the Summer Seasons had started. Projects had been buried in the Ministerial Desk’s Draws, for decades, and many Governments came across, and the Ministers, turned Blind EYES, on these Projects.

Sure, our Representatives, at the Parliament, and the Cabinet, have MOUTHS to SWALLOW, and do
NOT have NOSES to SNIFF (Or may be they Sniff other Materials), and realize the DEADLY SMELL
on our Main High Ways, as on OZAAI, and Beirut High Ways  of the South Entrance of the  Most famous City in the Middle East and Europe,  we should cover our NOSES, and do not BREATHE for MILES, to avoid the STINKY SHITTY Smells, along the OZAAI Beach, where people should go, to have a Relaxing Walk and fresh air, after a long day work, with their Families. We would like to witness a similar WAR among the Parties, for a Project to CLEAN UP the SHIT of the High Ways at least.

What about the DRINKING WATER. Lebanon , has high numbers of Rivers, and Spring Resources for Drinking Water, all over its Soil. The Lebanese have drinking water, on Basis of Two Days ON, and three DAYS OFF, is that possible. Where is the Drinking Water going. Why the Lebanese have to spend most of their INCOMES just to BUY Drinking water filled in BOTTLES. These Companies of producing bottles, and filled them, with the Water ,that, suppose to go to the Lebanese people’s Homes directly, and NOT, into the PIPES of these Companies.

We can detail more, projects, that those, declared Victory yesterday, and celebrate, are LOSERS, because they always brought DISAPPOINTMENTS to the Lebanese, and we know, that if these Ministers, do not have their SHARES of this Project, it would not come to LIGHT.


Syria 2309, The Children's Armed Gangs…

 Within six months, the Dictator’s  Armed Forces swept on 180 Armed Children, that the Regime claimed and described them as ARMED GANGS, terrorizing the Peaceful Citizens of Syria, who are not safe even in doors.

The killing is ONE CHILD a DAY. Those Children’ Gangs must be armed with the most sophisticated  Guns, that the Regime, forced to face them with its HEAVY killing Machines, TANKS, Helicopters, and lately Flying its Warring Jets, over their Heads, that , to warn them, to be  used if necessary.

A Regime, with Leaders of NO HONOR, DIGNITY or HUMANITY CHARACTER. Leaders with families, of children and young people, they gave orders to shoot to kill other people’s Families, are not they, the NASTIEST, DIRTIEST,  the  MEANEST, and COWARDLY Murderers, that the WORLD never witnessed such events like those., in any country .

These Children Armed Gangs, must be thousands in numbers, because the Criminal Regime, still pulling out its killing machines out of its BUNKERS, on the FRONT with The Enemy, into the streets of the Cities, Towns, Villages, and Mosques, to confront these Gangs of Armed Children, to chase them and shoot them down, because they are terrorizing the Peaceful people of Syria.

Heavy Machine Guns, Tanks,  war planes, and thousands of Commandos,  that had been  Professionally trained, all those  were used to CRUSH, the people’s Freedom and Human Rights, and kill those people’s Children.

This Regime with Leaders like those, should be held ACCOUNTABLE for their Terrible Crimes, and should be brought to JUSTICE, that, the  LAW which protects Human Beings, should be APPLIED with NO hesitation.

Today, the Human Rights Organization, in the United Nation, Branded, the President of Syria, as THE BUTCHER OF HUMANITY. It is the first time in recent History, the United Nation, described a Country’s president with that,  kind of descriptions. Organizations, that are defending this President’s Own People, and NOT another Country’s people.

This president, treats his Country as a FARM of CHICKENS, or FARM of COWS, he culls them whenever he decides.  A reckless and  Criminal President like this, should be brought to Justice, and should suffer the same way, his people are suffering.



Monday, 19 September 2011

Syria 1909Family with, Talents…

Talents are the skills that some Individual and Groups Explore, and perform before the Audience, like those in X FACTOR on the TVS, with Judges like Simon Colwell.

The TALENTS we are talking about here, are the SKILLS by Families Ruled their Country for many decades, and performed all kind of SKILLS, more ADVANCED, more PAINFUL, more PRACTICAL, and Extremely DEADLY, on the AUDIENCE, and we mean here their, OWN People.

As on X FACTOR, on TVS, these Members of this FAMILY, but here is live, and on the streets of the Cities, Towns, and Villages of Syria, and in continuous performance, and each episode, has a different and distinguished TALENTS. Some of these shows, contain 15 to 20 people BUTCHERED on the streets every day.

Members of this Family, have different Talents, those, who works, with the people’s LIVINGS, those who make SURE that the people cannot complain, or shout out their sufferings, and those, who make sure, have Wealth and Power, and the people should not even have a LITTLE, and those  truly be described as DRACULA GRID.

These  members of this Family, who work with the Economy of the Country, they make sure they Monopolize every productive company and factory, and RESOURCES, that, the MONEY flow into their ACCOUNTS, in the Local Banks, and then to the International Banks Abroad, they make sure that the Economy of the Country, should be suitable and Tailored, to their SIZES, and the people should get the BITS and Pieces on their Dining Tables. They make sure that, their people should not have any kind of Social Life or any kind of the Facilities that, make their Life easier. They are like Octopus, that have its arms growing longer and reach anywhere, for Hunting  its PREY.

Members of this Family, work on the People’s Silence. They have the TALENTS, of advanced Facilities to SPY, on their OWN people, and make SURE that, Spies are planted in  every House, and Public Place, so the MUKHABARAT, would know immediately, what happens in every corner of the Country. So, even if a husband and wife, tried to make LOVE, the Mukhabarat would know in advance. So, people can ONLY Whisper, and cannot speak to hear them.

The most important, MEMBERS of this Family, those who are in the GRID of DRACULA. They were put on that Grid, according to the BLOODY TALENTS. They perform their SKILLS, that, NO TYRANTS, or BUTCHERS, had ever performed on their OWN people that way. Those Members of this Family, were and are always, THIRST for BLOOD, the supplies of BLOOD should have  Continuous FLOW, to their brains.

What they performed of SKILLS and TALENTS on their people on the streets of the Cities, Towns, and Villages, the WAYS and MEANS, of chasing the Demonstrators who are demanding their Freedom, and a Democratic System for their Country, are chased by a Group of WILD HOUND DOGS, as in the games of Hunting Foxes in UK. They shoot the people to DEATH, and if some one was lucky and did not die immediately, they  kick him or her, hard until DEATH, Men, Women and Children, and if someone was lucky and taken to a Hospital, those Wild Hound Dogs of the Regime’s Family chase them and shoot them on the stretchers before they have entered the Hospitals. The Protesters that, get away of being SHOT, their homes would be raided later and arrested, for no reason, just being chanting for FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY, and their HUMAN RIGHTS. This Ruling Family with LOTS of TALENTS, had harvested in six months, over three thousands Victims, were murdered on the streets, over twenty thousands arrested and TORTURED at the Regime’s DARK CELLS underground, and many died under torture, over ten thousands have been wounded, and  over eight thousands are still MISSING. We wonder if the Red Cross, had found any of  the REMAINS of the Victims yet.

We ask our RESPECTFUL Patriarch El Raiy, of Lebanon, how a Ruling family like this one, with all those DEADLY TALENTS, could protect the Minorities and be trusted, in Syria, what are the Guarantees, that the ready sharp Knives of this  Regime’s Family would not reach the Necks of the Minorities, if they, came to the streets, and demanded their Rights and Freedom. Sure, it is a REVOLUTION against the TYRANTS, and violence would take place, but  is not the Regime’s Family with all these Advanced Skills as Murdering Machines, shooting at the Peaceful, and Bare Chests people, because their SINS are demanding FREEDOM, and wanted their Human Rights, as Jesus Christ  taught us. Do we expect, a protection from these Murderers, and we should  die thousand times every day, under such Regime’s Brutality, and Roughness, and with all types of Methods of slaughters, to its OWN People. What the Patriarch said, with all our Respect, was not  ACCURATE, and he is appointing a SHEPHERD WOLF to his SHEEP.

