Original painting by Author Khaloud. Moving Forces from Golan Heights to Damascus.........................................
Democracy, is the way that, Arabs, and Islamic Nations, would apply, to walk to a Flourished, Progressive, and Transparency Future, for the growing Generations. Democratic System, will put an END, to Discriminations, and Sectarian Confessions, and Tribes Divisions. It is the Way, that put, the divided Nations, in one Confined Goal, FREEDOM.
A so called Representative of Lebanese in the Parliament, appeared on the Orange TV, in a longinterview, to SPILL out his Hatred COMMENTS. It seems his BLOOD Colour, is BLACKER than his NAME, Mr ASSWAD.(BLACK).
Every one knows that, if it is not the DEAL by Mr Berri, this MAN would NOT be in the Lebanese Parliament. He spilled his poison to many Lebanese Prominent Leaders, and one of them, the Honest Representative of the Lebanese Mrs HARRIRI.
We do not know what Mrs Harriri has to do with this Man’s Garbage in Jazzin. But he suggested that, he would collect the Jazzin’s Waste Garbage, and dispose it to Mrs Harriri’s COURT YARD.
We suggest in return, to this GUY, that he should collect, the Waste Garbage of all the Areas, and pack it in TRUCKS, and take them to his BOSS’S Court Yard in Rabyeh. May be the SMELL of the Garbage would make the SMELL coming out from Rabyeh more MODERATE, so the Lebanese people can BEAR that SMELL, or if his BOSS did not allow him to do so, should take the TRUCKS to Mr BERRI’S COURT YARD, who brought him to Parliament, and contact the Health Minister, to help him packing these WASTES, in his stores.
This Man’s Leaders Party, STINCKS with the TERRIBLE SMELL of COLLEBORATING, with the ENEMY, STOLE MILLIONS OF PUBLIC MONEY and SHIPPED THEM TO FRENCH BANKS IN PARIS, and wants to TRASH the Prominent Leaders, with their SMELLY, STINCKY, and TREACHERY Activities.
He stands against the Finance of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, which is trying to PIN DOWN the Murderers, and calling it as Illegitimate, because the Resolution, did not pass through the Lebanese Parliament by that time. Mr Berri was closing down the HOUSE of the TRUE LEBANESE REPRESENTATIVES, and put the KEYS in his POCKETS. This MAN has to use the WASHING UP LIQUID, BRAND THREE IN ONE, to wash his MOUTH, before he has to say anything BAD about the Honest Lebanese. Next General Election, this MAN would see the SEAT in the Parliament, ONLY in his DREAMS.
The Lebanese people are, URGENTLY, needed the REFORMS of the ELECTORAL SYSTEM. Every group of the Lebanese Leaders is suggesting, to reform this System, the WAY, that suits this GROUP and its Interests to keep on LOOTING the Lebanese people’s FREEDOM and DIGNITY.
We came to a CONCLUSION, that those want to tailor the System, to their SIZES, to keep the Lebanese People’s LIFE STYLE, under their Mercy, and these Leaders keep on REVOLVING to the Parliamentary Committee. To make Lebanese people live Hypocrite way, SHARING their Country, Christians and Muslims, instead of coming up with Proposals really UNITE them, and Respect, each Other’s Opinions.
The First STEP, the Lebanese could be Represented in the Parliament, is that, the Law should RESTRICT, the SPENDING on the Election Campaigns. The way it works now,those RICH, can only be NOMINATED. By limiting the SPENDING, those GOOD CONTENDERS, have the CHANCE to fight for their Election Battles. Spending without limit, would make those without money to SEEK their Winning SEATS, by STICKING to those with Money, to be able to spend for their Campaign.By LIMITING, the amount of SPENDING will attract those QUALIFIED, to reach the Parliament and TRUELY REPRESENT the Lebanese people and RESPECT the PEOPLE’S RIGHTS.
The present Leaders of the Country are keeping the Lebanese people, divided, and make them take some kind of a HAVEN to those Leaders to MAINTAIN their Rights, and Services. Because those Leaders are serving the people through their OWN INTERESTS ONLY.
Lebanese people should be allowed to MIX, on all the Lebanese SOIL, without OBSTACLES, any Lebanese CITIZEN have the RIGHT to CHOOSE where to RESIDE, and grow up a FAMILY. Why these Confessional Factions are worried, if some of the Lebanese made the changes in their LIFE STYLE.
The Lebanese people are HUGELY MIXED, by MARRIAGES, but they have to FLY to a Foreign Country to have the RIGHT to LIVE TOGETHER, carrying all this HUMILATION, because they can not get married within their Country. There should be A CIVIL LAW, to maintain the Lebanese people‘s Rights, any Man has RIGHT, to marry any Woman , wherever or whatever, or the other WAY.
We know, that a LAW like this, would make the Lebanese Leaders knees SHAKE VIGOROUSLY, because most of them, who calling for Ending of TRIBE’S SYSTEM, but SECRETLY, they reject it, to keep their POWERS on people SUSTAINED.
When the Lebanese are given the RIGHT CIVIL LAW, by then, you will see how the NEW GENERATIONS would break down, the RELIGIOUS DIVISION so FAST, and people of Lebanon would be UNITED and LIVE together a DECENT LIFE.
Does not matter what the Lebanese LAW MAKERS come up with, it will be FAR SHORT to the Lebanese people’s DEMANDS, for CHANGE, to suit the Lebanese LIFE STYLE.
Make the WAY WIDE OPEN, to FREEDOM and DEMOCRAY, and all your RUTTEN LAWS would be thrown into the HISTORY’S BINS.
We witnessed so many Dictator’s Regime around the World, In South Americas, Europe and Asia. But we have never seen or read about such regimes like the ONE in DAMASCUS. The Regime that had built, so many ARMS, that, reached many country in the Middle East.
This Regime caused, a Massive troubles in Iraq, and witnessed the CAR BOMBINGS, that swept, thousands of INOCENT people on the streets of the Big Cities, of Iraq. This Regime used Muslims against Muslims, so the river of Tigris coloured with RED. This regime exported the Stupid Fundamentalists, paid fighters and Mercenaries, just to blow up the most popular places in Baghdad, and kill their Brothers Muslims, just to have a role in running the Country, and use it as a playing CARD against the Americans, to boostits Political Relations with them, and the more that relation, gettingtroubled, the more the Situation getting worse in Iraq.
This Regime sent its Pilots to fly the Libyan Jet Fighter to BOMB, the CIVILIANS, that was protesting for the change in Libya, until the NO FLY ZONE was FORCED, by the United Nations Resolution.
This regime, occupied Lebanon for thirty years, and its GOALS were to keep the Lebanese divided all the time, under the reason of STOPPING the CIVIL WAR.
During those thirty years, this Regime’s Nasty Killing Machines, MUKHBARAT, made sure that, the CAR BOMBS, explodes in every corner in Lebanon, to sweep off thousands of Lebanese Innocent people, for NO REASON, but tokeep the Country under its CONTROL. This Regime’s Officials Looted Lebanon, Economically, Dignity, Human Rights, and Political Environment. They LOOTED the people’s businesses, shops and Farms. Those Officials BLACKMAILED the Lebanese Banks totrade with anything at all, ILLEGAL, Drugs, Arms, Forging and Washing Money, and Humans Trafficking, to make their WEALTH, as we have seen later, after they were FORCED to leave Lebanon.
This Regime supported, some so called Lebanese, Parties to keep their POWER over other Parties, to keep the CONFLICTED Politics among them, and when they left, they collected the ARMS from some Parties, and Left those LOYAL to this Regime fully armed, to sustain their Nasty Arms behindclogged, to keep on INTERFERING with the Lebanese Political, and Economical Affairs, up to date.
The Regime interfered, in the Palestinian’s Affairs, and made sure, the Palestinian Body, was divided for over four decades, they support some Factions against the others, and many times , fighting broke between these Factions, and innocent Palestinians were killed. The Regime, was using the Palestinians and their CAUSE for the benefit of putting pressure on the International Community, to FORCE Israel return the Golan Heights, to Syria without bothering fighting for it.
Recently, when the Situation EXPLODED in Syria, and the WAKE of the people of Syria demanding FREEDOM, and HUMAN RIGHTS, the Regime, cracked down on the Protesters, and Civilians, by shooting them down, on the streets of Cities, Town, Villages, and Fields, sweeping over Four Thousands DEAD, Twenty Thousands ARRESTED and TORTURED, over Ten Thousands MISSING, and over Twenty Thousands were WOUNDED, and can not be treated in HOSPITALS, because the Security Secret Agents and Mukhabarat, of the Regime, are RAIDING the Hospitals and SHOOT down any one wounded on the Hospital’s beds.
This Regime, to give it self an EXCUSE, to shoot and kill the people down, is FABRICTING NEWS about the Lebanese, that helping and passing Guns to the Protesters in Syria, to fight the Regime’s Security Forces, who is REALLY COMMITTING the KILLINGS. This ACCUZATION, that the Syrian Regime’s CRIMINALS, to take ADVANTAGES and attack the Civilians on the other side of their Borders, the Lebanese Villages, and Farms killing Civilian people, and claim they are Armed Gangs shooting at the Syrian Security Force, and causing troubles in the Country.
Within ONE WEEK, the Regimes armed Forces BROKE IN and massed twice the Lebanese Borders, and ASSAULTED the Lebanese Civilians, by using , TANKS, MORTERS, heavy Machine Guns and SNIPHERS, caused the DEATHS, and INJURES of many. The Syrian Government in Lebanon did not make any PROTESTS for these INTRUSIONS, and CONSPIRING on helping to kill the Lebanese Citizens, by the Syrian Security Forces.
The Syrian Armed Forces assaulting the Lebanese on their SOIL. The Lebanese Armed Forces, did not make any MOVE to protect the Lebanese Civilians, orreturning FIRE. The Lebanese Diplomacy kept QUIET on both Incidents.
The Syrian Regime is killing its OWN people without Mercy, and by the END of the DAY, the people of Syria would come up with PLANS to protect themselves from the BRUTALITY of the Syrian Armed Forces and Security Forces.
Also, the Lebanese people would come up with PLANS to protect them selves, if the Lebanese Armed Forces do not REACT to protect them, from the ATTACKS of the Syrian Armed Forces.
The Lebanese are not protesting against the Criminals of the Syrian Regime, they CAN USE GUNS PROFESSIONALLY to keep their DIGNITY and Protect their LANDS and CITIZENS.
The History added a NAMEto the NOBLE PEACE PRIZE LIST….
A Yameni Arab name, has been added to the LIST of NOBLE PEACE. A BRILIANT WOMAN,is an ACTIVIST, contributing enormous EFFORTSforPEACE MAKING. Her name added to the LISTof the most Famous People, who are thriving for PEACE and DEMOCRACY.
TOWAKEL KARMAN, the supporters of PEACE and DEMOCRACY are very PROUD of you, and they are shouting LOUD with your VOICE, that peace should prevail, and DISPOSE the NASTY DICTAORS, any where in the World and in YAMEN in SPECIFIC.