Friday, 15 April 2011

Those who face tanks with BARE CHESTS, No need GUNS..

The Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon accusing some Lebanese, that, helping protesters to over throw the Regime in Syria. We ask Ali if he can hear his own voice under the THUNDER of Voices of his own People. He could find who is sending guns to these Demonstrators, but could not find what, the Demands of the Syrian people, instead of camouflage and hide the problem in Syria.

A Sniper on the building, killing and shooting at the Protesters... Whose Guns are these, question to ALI in Lebanon, the Syrian Ambassador.

Lebanon is Interfering in Syria's Affairs..

The Regime in Syria accused some Lebanese parties, in sending  arms and assistance, to the Protesters in Syria to overturn the Regime, and it mentioned, few ships full of arms. Later the Regime denied, what the Allies Broad casting that, NEWS. Again two days ago, the Regime repeated the accusation, by so called, arrested persons and admitted, they have been sent by one of the Lebanese Party's Member, supplied with guns and money.

We know how easy, to the Regime, to spread those rumours around, and trying, to blame Outsiders in causing troubles in Syria. This Regime is a copy cat of Tunisians, and Egyptians over threw regimes.

The Syrian Ambassador in Lebanon came up, and confirmed the accusations and asked, the Lebanese Judicial Personnel, to put their hands on this matter. The Ambassador has no write to dictate, what has to be done in Lebanon, and that is, clear Interference in Lebanese Affairs. There is a Lebanese Ambassador in Syria, could be summoned, and put it to him, and ask him to take the complain to his Government in Lebanon. But the Syrian Regime and its arms in Lebanon, will never learn to, keep these relations in a Diplomatic Path, with respect to the Sovereignty of our Country. We know that, Being Ambassador in Lebanon or in Syria, does not mean anything to the Syrian Regime, because it talks to the Lebanese from TOP, with no respect, to our Representatives, who has forgot, their respect and Dignity, and most of them have no HONOUR whatsoever.

There should be a transparent Investigations for this matter, and the Syrian Ambassador should be called as a WITNESS, to hold them accountable, if the results are FALSE.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Security in Lebanon is Supplement to Security in Syria is a, Lie ....

36 Years, passed to the Incident of a BUS in Ain Errimaneh, that ignited the bloody war in Lebanon, which they called it Falsely Civil War. That war, though is not pleasantly  to remember, but it was directed by the same parties of today's. Once, they said , it was against the Palestinians who took advantage, and tried to control Lebanon, and the war against them, by Amel of Nabih Berri, and the Phalanges, still to be remembered, and off course, by the game, the Syrian Regime played, to keep the Lebanese divided, that they could stay for thirty years.

The Faces, the Directors of that, Miserable period of History, of Lebanon's Fate, was played by the Regional Powers.The Faces, still holding the Political games, and they, only need, another BUS Incident, as that of 36 years ago, to ignite the Bloody war in Lebanon again. Those Politicians that, dominated by GREED and Wealth, playing with the Lebanese Destiny with no Shame. 36 Years, and they could not take Lebanon to the Safe Shores, what we should call those Politicians, Idiots, sure they are not, because the Lebanese are not idiots, they are over loaded with cleverness, and that is why, they are successful every where in the World. We should call these Leaders of Reckless, they do every thing possible to stay in POWER. 

When, we finished with the Palestinian Military factions, in the Eighties, we started with the Syrian, Military Factions, until, the Israel's Raid to Lebanon, forced the Regime in Syria, to leave Lebanon under the Israeli Flags in Soufar, a  Beirut Suburb. We forced the Israeli out of the Mountains of Lebanon, specially in Chouf and Ikleem Al Kharoub, the Syrian Regime took the Opportunity, to return to Beirut and most of the Lebanese territories except the South, and played the same game as before, and kept the Lebanese divided over twenty five years, and we are still living on the same rules The Syrian Regime engraved in some Lebanese people's political life.

Our Reckless Leaders, say that, Security in Lebanon is a Supplement, to the Security in Syria. If we, Lebanese are required to protect the Syrian Side from Bekaa Valley, who is protecting the Syrian Regime from Kuneitrah and Golan Heights, why the Security of Syria, is only from Lebanon, why not from Jordan, or from the Sea Syrian.s Shores, or from the Air, while the Israeli Jets regularly, breaching their Skies. Who is protecting the Regime in Syria now, from the upheaval revolts of the Syrian Free People.

Our Leaders are reckless, and are not FIT, to run the Country. The changes should happen as soon as possible, to have Representatives Loyal to Lebanon, and protect the Lebanese, Economy, Dignity, Honour, Freedom, and Independence. A Sound and Real Democratic System, will automatically, removes the present Sectarian System, and removes the lousy differences of the Lebanese. 

Monday, 11 April 2011

Dissolve the Parliament Mr President...

The latest, conflict, between Harriri and Ayatollah Nusrallah, was, a result of buried feelings. Harriri, has declared the WAR against, the Guns of Hezbollah. Though his views support the Interests of the Lebanese people in the Gulf, and elsewhere, and the Man is supporting an Arab Country, as it is, in the contrary, of Nusrallah, by his comments about the Gulf State of Bahrain, have damaged the Interests of the Lebanese badly, while the helpless Lebanese, need to be supported in many countries in the world, and recently in  Ivory Coast. Harriri, is a Care Taker of a Government, and what he says, is in the Official meaning, and trying his best to mend what Nusrallah damaged. Harriri was blamed by Mikati, and Nusrallah, because he is supporting an Arab Country, but Nusrallah, strongly supporting the Dictator in Syria, which is an Arab Country as well, and on Top of all, he is PROUD to  belong to Iran, which is not an Arab Country. Mr Mikati is hardly can form a new Government, he should not criticise Mr Harriri for his comments, otherwise he should criticise Nusrallah first, as well, but may be he would not dare to, because he was brought by Nusrallah.

We Lebanese, came to conclusions that, our Leaders in Lebanon, are worn out, and taking the Country to the UNKNOWN. They all are in trouble and they are not FIT, to lead in Lebanon. The Lebanese People deserve better Leaders, because the Lebanese are far AHEAD of those Leaders.

We ask The President of Lebanon to dissolve the Rotten Parliament, and announce a General Election, as soon as possible, then the Lebanese should decide, who should rule the Country. This time the Lebanese Majority's Voices should RULE, the Country, whatever who comes to power, and put an END, for this Concept of Agreed Democracy, or Guns, or Personal Interests, or anyone who does not, Genuinely works for Lebanon. There should be Government, and Opposition as Democratic System, should be.

We are fed up of those, getting Richer, and make Lebanese People getting Poorer.