Friday, 21 October 2011


Capturing the TYRANT of Libya, was NOT a surprise, because there was , speculations, after the ATTACK on SERT, GADDAFI‘S, main CITY of His CHILDHOOD, that he was hiding there with two of his SONS, MUAATASEM and SEIF, thinking that, his main City would support and protect them. But Unfortunately, the Miserable Ending took place in SERT.

Those Tyrants, have a COMMON one way TRAFFIC, of thinking, which is, that they use the Ultimatum Force and Butchering their OWN people, and they BOOST, that, still they have SUPPORTERS by millions, as it happened in TARABLUS, Libyan Capital, before the Tyrant FLED to SERT. But those RIPPERS, do not know that, the Millions they see into the streets, are people who are FEARED of these Tyrant’s DEADLY reactions, and when time has come they CERTAINLY, would change their minds and SUPPORT the REBELS, as what we see now, on the streets of TRIPOLI and SERT. These Tyrants do not want to understand, that when the people, and it is NOT necessary the WHOLE people of the Country, but the Majority, demands the CHANGE, they will ACHIEVE their GOALS with NO doubt.

More Rippers, on the SAME TRACK to HELL. Those killed their OWN people, Children, Women and Men, OLD and YOUNG, they have the same DESTINATION TO HELL, and a BULLET in the HEAD as GADDAFI‘S, or A ROPE round their NECKS, that would separate their HEADS off THEIR BODIES, or could be DRAGGED on the streets, where they committed their CRIMES against their people.

These Dictators Rippers, do not take LESSONS from those already left to HELL, because there some thing WRONG in their BRAINS. They think that, their people are JUST a HERD of COWS, a FARM of SHEEP, or PIGGS, or GROUPS of DONKEIES, 99.99% of the VOTERS, as they CLAIMED, to carry them from their HOME TOWNS to the PRESIDENCY PALACES, and they  are on their HORSES looking at the from ABOVE, they can BUTCHER them any time needed for LUNCH, or Business, selling them at the MARKET, and make WEALTH, and get RICH, as all of the TYRANTS, that packed their MONEY in FOREIGN BANKS, by BILLIONS, and their OWN people, trying to find something to FEED their FAMILLIES around the CLOCK.

In Libya, the REBELS used FORCE to get rid of the TYRANT, but in Syria and Yemen, NOT YET. The Syrian FREE people would get rid of the TYRANT by STANDING FIRM with BARE CHESTS, to the END of the ROAD of FREEDOM and DEMOCRAY. The TYRANT in DAMASCUS, is using Jet Fighters and Helicopters to RIP the people’s BODIES APART, which was NOT available to the DEAD TYRANT of Libya, the Regime in Syria, is taking ADVANTAGES, of its complicated Position in the Middle East, and this is ANOTHER WAY OF one way traffic THINKING. All the Factors that, the Syrian Regime thinks can not be used against it in Syria, would CHANGE to 360 degrees, and it is going to face them.

It is going to face Resolutions from the United Nations. It is going to face FORCE in different Ways used in Libya from the Super power Countries, and its DEFECTED HERO SOLDIERS. Its NEIGBOUR Countries, would TIGHTEN the ROPE, to DRAIN its RESOURCES, of GUNS and MONEY, and it would COLLAPSE and FALL HARDER, than any TYRANT’S REGIME in the AREA. Certainly, the ENDING would be quite different, from that of Libya, WORSE and FAR MISERABLE. Because this Regime used the MOST DEADLY METHODS to kill its OWN people, which were NOT used in any other Country in the World.

CONGRATULAIONS, to the Libyan people, they ACHIEVED their GOALS by their BLOOD, and have to be, to the BENEFIT for their UNITY, FREEDOM,  DEMOCRACY and HUMAN RIGHTS.


Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Palestine,1910, Celebrations…

It is not a USUAL DAY, on the Palestinian Lands, while receiving a Thousand persons released from the Enemy’s Prisons and Detentions. A thousand FAMILIES, are CELEBRATING, by seeing their LOVED ONES coming HOME.

On the other side of the BORDERS, the ENEMY also, is CELEBRATING,  the return, one of the Young Soldiers, had been a prisoner in GAZA for three years. It is very USUAL that, both have the same GOAL of receiving the LOVED ONES, by closing a HISTORIC DEAL.

But if we look at this INCIDENT in particular, we come up of CLEAR RESULT, that ONE Person of the ENEMY, had the VALUE of ONE THOUSAND Persons of Palestinians. It is a Huge value that, the Enemy had to PAY to save a LIFE of ONE ISRAELI PERSON. We can not imagine how much is the VALUE of HUMAN BEING to the Palestinian’s Enemy. If this INCIDENT had been REVERSED, would be the VALUE of a Palestinian, equal to a THOUSAND of their ENEMY. Someone would come up and says. Sure it is. If it is so, why the Palestinian Factions are fighting each other, and kill their own people, by HUNDREDS and THOUSANDS, because they are DIVIDED, for NO REASON but, but to ACHIEVE POWER on each others, and put their CAUSE buried with the DEAD BODIES they killed from their FACTIONS. It looks like, that, the VALUE of their CITIZENS are VALUED because it is a MATTER with the Enemy only, and it is CHEAP otherwise.

It is not the first time, the ENEMY proves, that its CITIZENS are very DEAR and EXPENSIVE. The Enemy closed a DEAL as well with Hezbollah, and EXCHANGED three Israeli DEAD BODIES for over FIVE HUNDREDS of Lebanese Prisoners. On the Lebanese side was CHEAPER DEAL for the ENEMY.

Actually, it is not only, in Palestine, they kill their own people for POWER, and DISGUSTED SELFISHNESS. They do in other so called Arab Countries. The Regimes of those Countries had killed thousands of their OWN people to keep POWER, in their HANDS, because they INHERITED it, from their Dictator FATHERS, or have been in it for at least FOUR DECADES.

The Citizens of these Arab Countries were so CHEAP, ONE MUKHBARAT, can KILL, Hundreds of his own people alone, with COLD BLOOD, by a CAR BOMB. A Soldier of those Regime could kill Hundreds of his OWN people just, by receiving an ORDER of his COMMANDER, and go HOME by the END of the DAY to RELAX.

That’s what had happened , in Libya, Yemen, Bahrain Iraq, and in SYRIA in SPECIFIC. The Dictator of Yemen, had ordered to kill Hundreds of the Citizens of his OWN people, just to keep the POWER, and the SUM of the DEAD, is three time, the ENEMY paid to the Palestinians for an EXCHANGE of ONE SINGLE IRAELI CITIZEN.

That’s what had happened, in Libya, TEN THOUSANDS were killed because the Dictator, wanted to stay in POWER, and that is TEN TIMES, the Enemy paid in GAZA’S DEAL for one SIGLE PERSON.

That’s what is happening in Syria, the Dictator gave his ORDERS to CRUSH the Demonstrators who are, demanding FREEDOM and HUMAN RIGHTS, and killed so far over FOUR THOUSANDS CITIZENS of his OWN people just to stay in POWER, and His Inherited Syria from His FATHER, to be MAINTAINED. That is FIVE TIMES, the ENEMY paid to close a DEAL for ONE SINGLE ISRAELI CITIZENS.


I wonder when, we would FEEL, that every ONE THOUSAND of the ENEMY‘S, is EQUAL to ONE SIGLE CITIZEN of SO CALLED ARABS.


Lebanon 1910, What the President KNOWS we DO NOT…

In his speech, the President of Lebanon, indicated to TWO Matters, which should be ESSENTIALS to every Honest politician in this Country.

The President said: The Politicians should KEEP AWAY THEIR PERSONEL INTERESTS, while working on the PUBPLIC INTERESTS. Also, they should keep away their Personal Businesses and do not MIX with the Economy of the Country. A President, to say such things, in an Important Occasions, and PUBLICLY, is very SERIOUS. It seems that, the Politicians in this Country, Open Personal Super, and Mini Markets, and  RUNNING their Businesses, on the Expense of the Lebanese People’s National Interests, and ECONOMY.

The Lebanese people during the General Elections, would hear the Programs, and Projects, of the Contenders, Promising BETTER LIFE, and would serve the Country and the People with Honesty, and would do their BEST to make the Public Interests Maintained for the Benefit of the Lebanese People.

But in the President’s Speech, we found out that, those Members of the Parliament, and the Members of the Cabinet, have BETRAYED the Lebanese VOTERS, and wiped out all the Promises during the General Election, and worked only for their Interests by Opening Super, and Mini Markets within the State of Lebanon.

A Minister would do the DEALS PRIVATELY, with Companies without Tendering, and away from the Government, or Parliament Supervision, to maintain his Commission Shares, so he could make Wealth to Bribe the VOTERS in NEXT GENERAL ELECTIONS in his FAVOUR. This State of Lebanon, had turned to be ALI BABA and THE FORTY THIEVES, but in our CASE, there are THOUSANDS of THIEVES. The Country is OPEN to all kind of Bargaining, DEALS,  by the Officials, by taking ADVANTAGES of their Authority and Immunity being Members of the Lebanese Parliament, or Ministers, in a NEIGHBOURING COUNTRY’S Government.

The National Security of Lebanon is OPEN to the Collaborators with the ENEMY, they are KNOWN to the Authorities, and it is NOT doing anything at all, to bring them to JUSTICE, because there are POWERFUL ARMED GANGS protecting them. The Authorities chased only those had NO ONE to ask , if they are REALLY GUILTY of COLLABORATING with the ENEMY or they can DEFEND themselves. They had NO protection.

Is this why, the Lebanese keep on DIVIDED, for the BENEFIT of those DISTRUSTED OFFICIALS, who are using the Lebanese as SHEEP, FEED THEM and SLAIN THEM when NEEDED.

Most of people in the World, realized, the DECEIPT of those LEADERS and OFFICIALS, and they REVOLTED against them. Would the Lebanese in a FREE and DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY, people with the most WONDEFUL SKILLS that, they worked around the World, would REVOLT, against their DISHONEST, BETRAYALS, MANAGER of SUPER and MINI MARKETS, Selling the COUNTRY’S NATIONAL SECURITY to the DEVILS, and we call them Prominent LEADERS.



Monday, 17 October 2011


No one of the Lebanese believed, that, there is a Diplomatic Relationship, between Syria and Lebanon in a SERIOUS WAY. That move had been done by the Syrian Government in Damascus, just to please the WEST.

The break through the Lebanese BORDERS by the Regime’s TROOPS in Syria and killing Lebanese and Syrian Citizens on the Lebanese SOIL, clearly proves, that the Regime never admitted that, Lebanon is an Independent State, and should be RESPECTED.

Recently, Isamy, a former Vice President in Syria and A DRUZE, KIDNAPPED, with many other Syrian Citizens from the HEART of Lebanese SOIL, also proves that, the MUKHABARAT of the Regime is still strongly working, by the COLLABORATION, of ACTIVE CELL sleeping in Lebanon. We understand that, the Syrian Ambassador in Lebanon is the HEAD of this SLEEPING TERRORIZED CELL. This was exposed by the Head of the Information Lebanese Squad, and passed to the Officials in Lebanon. The Lebanese Diplomatic Body did not make a MOVE to clear this INCIDENT, and the Lebanese Judicial Body did not take any ACTION, to make the Syrian Diplomatic Personnel ACCOUNTABLE.

ABDUCTING, ISAMY and others from Lebanon, is a Super CRIME, that, the Lebanese Authority should bring those  to JUSTICE immediately, and the Lebanese Diplomacy should make a SERIOUS COMPLAIN to the United Nations about these behaviors of the Syrian Regime ASSAULT.

The QUESTION is, if the Lebanese Intelligence had helped the Syrian Regime’s MUKHABARAT for that ACTION, those should be held ACCOUNTABLE, and those are NOT with the Lebanese RED BLOOD, but Dinosaurs, in Jurassic Park, with BLUE BLOOD. If the Lebanese Intelligence knew about the CRIME and TURNED BLIND EYES, they are sharing this CRIME, and should be held ACCOUNTABLE.

We know that, most of the Syrian DRUZE people are members of the BAATH RULING PARTY, and a very OLD IMPORTANT member of them is ABDUCTED and disappeared with other Citizens.

Sultan Basha Al Attrush, was the Hero of Syria’s Independence, is it possible that the DRUZE in Syria reduce that Heroic Legacy Battle of Independence to HUMILATION, that is NOT the CHARACTERS and Honor, of DRUZE. They should REVOLT for their Honor and DIGNITY and join the Syrian PEOPLE’S REVOLUTION, to put an END to the WHORING behaviors of the Regime in Syria.

Druze of Syria, are dying one thousand times a DAY instead the DIE ONCE and for GOOD.

Officials in Lebanon, have NO BALLS, as MEN should have. They are NO MEN as the Dictator in Syria, described them once before, and it looks that, (ALWAHSH), was RIGHT.
