Wednesday 11 July 2012

11.07.2012, Haven Under Fundamentalism..

The Mentality of  Dictators, is a Puzzle, that is why they stayed in Power for Decades. Because they are EXPERTS to produce so many FACES at the same time. They are very Gentle to those should be slaves to them. They are generous on those working under their Authority to Suppress and Oppress their own people, and show their Gentle Smile when meeting people. They show their strength when on Speech, to prove that they are the ONLY protectors of the Nations from disastrous incoming times, which they are ready to defend. They have a steel like System consists of the Criminals in the Country, and instead of being behind BARS, they work Loyal to the Dictators and Commit whatever a Crime they are Ordered to commit. Dictators  Facing their own people with Violence, if people ever demanded their Human Rights and BIT of Freedom and Free Press, and RESPECT to the Other Opinion, which suppose to be Oppositions.

Many Arab Countries FORCED to CHANGE. Sure it is the beginning of the road to Democracy and Freedom, and it is a LONG way to walk to ACHIEVE the Goals of the Revolution, but the Process had started, and NO return. This Current Dictator, who is wanted by the International Crime Court, in the HAGUE, because he gave his orders to the Criminals of his Troops and Intelligence who are Experts on committing Crimes against Humanity to kill hundred of thousands in Darfur and other parts of Sudan. These Criminals are Collection of the Most Dangerous Criminals in the Country. When people listen to the Dictator's Speeches, about the Reforms they have done to the Country and what they have in mind to do, people would not believe that is a Dictator, but  a Democratic Ruler. They are Wolves in Sheep Skins.

The Spark has Ignited in Khartoum, the Dictator says it would not happen in Sudan, like it happened in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya, and all of those Countries are Majority of Islamic Countries, and Non of them Declared that, the System should be Islamic Constitutional Rules, on the Contrary, every Country which had made the changes according to the Demands of the people,  Freedom, Democracy and Social Justice would PREVAIL. He is taking Shelter in Haven under Fundamentalism, by declaring New Islamic Constitutional Rulings.

May be this Dictator in Sudan has not heard what MURSI the President of Egypt and the Leader of the Islamic Brotherhood, in his Speech, that Egypt has changed and NO more Military Ruling. Can this Dictator stand in the WAY of the Freedom Tornadoes blowing on the Arab World, we do not think so. It was proved when all those confronted their own people with Violence and CRIMES, had been CRUSHED by the Power of the people. Sudan is NOT an EXCEPTION.
Student protest turns violent in Sudan
Police use tear gas to disperse protesters as the president dismisses opposition call for an "Arab Spring" uprising.
Last Modified: 11 Jul 2012 18:01

Bashir announced austerity measures after South Sudan secession caused lost oil revenue and inflation [Reuters]
Security forces have used tear gas to disperse a crowd of university students in Khartoum protesting high food prices.
Sudanese university students armed with sticks and stones on Wednesday staged perhaps their largest protest since unrest sparked by inflation began nearly a month ago.
"Compared to other demonstrations it's... bigger," said a witness who asked not to be identified.
With protesters scattered around the central campus, it was hard to determine their numbers, the witness said.
"I think it's more than 100,"he added.
After President Omar al-Bashir announced austerity measures, including tax hikes and an end to cheap fuel, scattered protests across the country spread to include a cross-section of people around the capital and in other parts of Sudan.
Protesters are also calling for an end to Bashir's 23-year regime.

Bashir has played down the demonstrations as small-scale and not comparable to the Arab Spring uprisings in Egypt and elsewhere, maintaining that he himself remains popular.
He dismissed opposition calls for a popular uprising in the African country, saying only "a burning hot summer" awaits his enemies.
"They talk of an Arab Spring, let me tell them that in Sudan we have a hot summer, a burning hot summer that burns its enemies," Bashir said in a live address on Wednesday while inaugurating a sugar factory in central Sudan.
In his speech, Bashir said that any company from a country boycotting Sudan should be denied contracts, be it in the public or private sector.
"Why should we allow them to make a profit?" he said in a live broadcast on state radio.
"There shall be no dealing with any company whose country boycotts the Sudan."

8 أطفال يموتون يومياً" بمخيمات اللاجئين في جمهورية جنوب السودان

آخر تحديث:  الجمعة، 6 يوليو/ تموز، 2012، 22:38 GMT
قالت منظمة "اطباء بلا حدود" ان نسبة الوفيات في مخيمات اللاجئين في جمهورية جنوب السودان قد تضاعفت اخيراً.
واضافت المنظمة ان ذلك يعني ان 8 اطفال يموتون يومياً في مخيم جامام للاجئين الذي يؤوي حوالي 40 الف شخص هربوا من الصراع في ولاية النيل الازرق في السودان.
واشارت "اطباء بلا حدود" ان العديد من الاشخاص يموتون في المخيم جراء اصابتهم بأمراض معدية لانهم يقيمون في مخيمات سيئة التجهيز غارقة في مياه الامطار الغزيرة، فضلا عن ان مياه الشرب ملوثة.
وقالت المنظمة الطبية ان جمهورية جنوب السودان التي تحتفل بمرور عام على تأسيسها تشهد حالياً ظهور أزمة انسانية جديدة في مخيمات اللاجئين في احدى المناطق الشمالية بها.

امراض معدية

صرحت تارا بنويل منسقة الطواريء في منظمة "اطباء بلا حدود" في مخيم جامام، وهو أحد ثلاثة مخيمات في المنطقة بأن" هؤلاء اللاجئين هربوا من القتال الدائر في السودان وفقدوا اقارب لهم خلال ترحالهم الى ان وجدوا ملاذا امناً هنا، الا انهم يقبعون اليوم في مخيمات للاجئين الغارقة بمياه الامطار الغزيرة ويموتون جراء امراض معدية نتيجة الظروف السيئة التي يعيشونها".
واضافت بنويل "على المنظمة الدولية اتخاذ قرارات عاجلة"، مشيرة الى ان "على جميع المنظمات الانسانية التي تندرج تحت مظلة المفوضية العليا للامم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين ان تعمل جاهدة على تحسين اوضاع مخيمات اللاجئين وجعلها مكانا مناسبا للعيش".
واوضحت ان: "الوضع صعب للغاية ومعقد ونحن نعمل مع المنظمات غير الحكومية والعديد من المنظمات الطبية"، مضيفة "نحن نحاول ايجاد اماكن تحتوي على مياه صالحة للشرب وخالية من الالغام".
وعلقت رئيسة منظمة الاغاثة الدولية سوزان بيريدن انه بعد مرور عام على انشاء جمهورية جنوب السودان فان ظروف المعيشية الحياة الملايين من السكان لم تتحسن بتاتا".

السودان: حركة متمردة في دارفور تطلق سراح 63 جنديا

آخر تحديث:  الخميس، 5 يوليو/ تموز، 2012، 19:00 GMT
سلمت احدى الحركات المتمردة في اقليم دارفور 63 جنديا سودانيا إلى السلطات الحكومية، حسبما أكد الصليب الأحمر الخميس.
وقالت اللجنة الدولية للصليب الاحمر في بيان إنها "سهلت تسليم 63 فردا من القوات المسلحة افرج عنهم جيش تحرير السودان جناح منى مناوي خلال الاسبوع الجاري".
ولم يكشف الصليب الأحمر عن المزيد من التفاصيل في هذا الشأن.
وتعد حركة تحرير السودان جناح مناوي واحدة من ثلاث حركات رئيسية لا تزال تحمل السلاح في اقليم دارفور المضطرب غرب السودان.
وإضافة إلى جناح مناوي ترفض كل من حركة تحرير السودان جناح عبد الواحد وحركة العدل والمساواة الانضمام إلى اتفاقية الدوحة التي وقعتها الحكومة السودانية العام الماضي مع حركة التحرير والعدالة.
وشكلت هذه الحركات الثلاث بالإضافة إلى الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السودان - قطاع الشمال تحالفا عرف باسم "الجبهة الثورية" يسعي إلى الإطاحة بالحكومة السودانية.
يذكر أن الصراع في اقليم دارفور اندلع عام 2003، عندما حملت جماعات متمردة السلاح مطالبة بمشاركة أكبر في السلطة والثروة.
وتقدر الامم المتحدة عدد القتلى الذين سقطوا في دارفور بما لا يقل عن 300 ألف، بينما تقول الحكومة السودانية إن عددهم لا يتجاوز 10 آلاف.
وكانت المحكمة الجنائية الدولية أصدرت مذكرة لاعتقال الرئيس السوداني عمر البشير في مارس/ آذار 2009 على خلفية ارتكاب جرائم حرب وجرائم ضد الانسانية في اقليم دارفور.
وإضافة إلى البشير اصدرت المحكمة مذكرات لاعتقال وزير الدفاع السوداني عبد الرحيم محمد حسين وحاكم ولاية جنوب كردفان أحمد هارون وقائد مليشيا محلية يدعي علي كوشيب على خلفية الصراع في دارفور.

Vice President Interview in June 2012...He is really sitting high can not see what is going underneath..

أحزاب المعارضة السودانية توقع وثيقة "البديل الديمقراطي"

آخر تحديث:  الأربعاء، 4 يوليو/ تموز، 2012، 19:24 GMT
وقعت مجموعة من أحزاب المعارضة السودانية مساء الأربعاء وثيقة بشان كيفية التعامل مع الحكومة السودانية اطلقوا عليها اسم "البديل الديمقراطي".
ويأتي الإعلان عن توقيع هذه الوثيقة بعد حوالي 20 يوما من اندلاع موجة من المظاهرات التي بدات مطلبية بسبب غلاء المعيشة والإجراءات التقشفية التي فرضتها الحكومة، لكنها سرعان ما تحولت إلى مطالبات سياسية بإسقاط النظام.
والأحزاب الموقعة هي حزب الأمة القومي برئاسة الصادق المهدي رئيس الوزراء السابق والحزب الشيوعي السوداني وحزب المؤتمر الشعبي برئاسة حسن الترابي والحزب الوطني وحزب المؤتمر السوداني وحركة القوى الجديدة (حق) وحزب البعث العربي الاشتراكي والحزب الناصري.
ودعت الأحزاب الموقعة على الوثيقة إلى فترة انتقالية "يحكمها إعلان دستوري تبدأ بتشكيل الحكومة الانتقالية وتنتهي بإجراء انتخابات حرة ونزيهة".
كما دعت الوثيقة إلى "عدم استغلال الدين في الصراع السياسي أو الحزبي لضمان الاستقرار والسلام الاجتماعي".
وحددت الوثيقة الوسائل التي ستتخذ لتحقيق أهدافها في "الإضراب، التظاهر السلمي، الاعتصام، العصيان المدني، الانتفاضة والثورة الشعبية".
واكدت مريم المهدي القيادية في حزب الأمة المعارضة توقيع الاتفاقية في حديث لتلفزيون بي بي سي.
واتهمت مريم المهدي الحكومة السودانية بأنها فشلت تماما في إدارة السودان، مضيفة أن الأحزاب "تعمل بصورة استباقية" لتلافي هذا الوضع.
وأضافت أنهم يعملون من أجل منع انزلاق البلاد إلى العنف ومن أجل "حفظ كرامة السودان، لأن احتمال إندلاع العنف في البلاد أمر وارد".
واعربت مريم المهدي عن اعتقادها بأن الأمور قد انفجرت في السودان "بصورة لا رجعة فيها".
من جانبه شكك خالد المبارك المستشار الإعلامي في سفارة السودان في أهداف الوثيقة، مشيرا إلى أن هناك قوى من الأحزاب الموقعة على الوثيقة "مثل الحزب الشيوعي والحركة الشعبية لديها آراء واضحة ومنشورة بشأن الدين".
وتساءل المبارك "إذا كان الغرض (من الوثيقة) هو الديمقراطية، فلماذا لا ينتظرون الانتخابات القادمة؟".
لكن مريم المهدي ردت بالقول إنه "لا توجد انتخابات حرة نزيهة في ظل النظم الشمولية".

Arab Spring should have NO EXCEPTIONS...

Khartoum Today..
Khartoum, Sudan: He came to power in a military coup more than two decades ago. Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir has always had opponents. But as his rule enters its 24th year, Bashir is facing what some describe as unprecedented popular dissent.

Mainstream opposition parties are now trying to build on that. Long divided, the opposition factions are working on a document that would administer the country in a post-Bashir Sudan. "We need to prevent chaos and a power vacuum once the regime falls, so that is why we are working on agreeing on a transitional phase," Bashir Adam Rahma, the foreign relations secretary of the opposition Popular Congress, told Al Jazeera.

The party is part of the coalition of opposition parties, the National Forces Alliance. The Alliance says it plans to throw its full weight behind the protest movement once it puts the final touches on the transitional phase document

"There is now a series of protests because of the failures of this regime to realise people's aspirations for democracy. The protest movement will come to culmination when we decide on an alternative," Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi, leader of the Umma Party, said. "We need to agree with other opposition parties on the text of Democratic Alternative and Constitutional Declaration."

The Umma Party, however, has already flexed its muscle. It called on its supporters to protest after mid-day prayers last Friday. A few hundred people gathered outside the Ansar mosque in Omdurman and chanted slogans calling for the downfall of the regime. But as they attempted to take to the streets, police fired tear gas and the crowd dispersed.

There was defiance even though many protesters were choking after inhaling the tear gas. They took to nearby streets and blocked the road with burning tyres. "For us there is no turning back. We entered the phase of a revolution... We need to plan for the upcoming phase and we are preparing ourselves for any scenario like Libya, Egypt or Tunisia," Mohammed Faysal, a protester and Umma Party member, said.

One man carried a banner which read: "Khartoum Rise Up". But apart from a few demonstrations in some neighbourhoods, the Sudanese capital was calm on Friday. It is unclear whether the divided and fractured opposition can close ranks, mobilise large masses and lead a revolution.
Government 'still strong'

"To be able to have an Arab Spring in Sudan, masses need to take to the streets. Political parties have only a limited role to play. They are weak and they are trying to exploit people's grievances for political gain," Othman Mirghani, editor-in-chief of Al-Tayyar newspaper, said. "The government is still strong militarily and politically."

The government is right to say that the protests are not comparable to the Arab uprisings, but it has slowed the momentum by using force.

The government also has hardcore supporters. For people like Tahany, faith in the ruling party is still strong and unquestionable. "Stop asking questions about the protests and whether we support the government's actions," Tahany shouted as some journalists tried talking to people who were shopping at a market in Khartoum.
"You journalists are just trying to stir trouble. Can't you see the government is trying to help people by selling goods at discounted prices at this market? The traders have been playing with the prices."

But while the regime still has its backers, voices against it are being heard more often than at any time in the past. The protests could be the beginning of an uprising, the opposition believes. "The Sudanese summer has arrived. The time for change has come," Mariam Al-Mahdi, a leader in the Umma Party, said.

That may be easier said than done, because the government made clear it will not tolerate protests, which it is blaming on "foreign elements".

"Zionist institutions inside the United States and elsewhere are exploiting the latest economic decisions to destabilise the security and political situation," state media quoted presidential assistant Nafi Ali Nafi as saying.

Recent austerity measures that led to a rise in prices sparked the social unrest two weeks ago. Finance Minister Ali Mahmoud said the government had no choice but to cut fuel subsidies and spending to plug a public finance gap. President Bashir defended the new decisions, saying that the secession of South Sudan turned the country from an oil exporter to importer.

But political parties and activists believe mismanagement, corruption and government policies have been responsible for the economic collapse and are hoping to change the regime using peaceful means. "The only way is through mass demonstrations and civil unrest," Rahma explained. "We tried dialogue with the regime and that failed. They want to cling to power. They should have agreed to constitutional reforms when we became a new nation following the secession of South Sudan."

Sudan may still not be witnessing a mass revolt. But in the words of an opposition official, there is no set time and date for a revolution.
Follow Zeina Khodr on Twitter: @ZeinakhodrAljaz
Inside Stories of Sudan..

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